Physiotherapy in home care

“I would like be independent and live independently at home for as long as possible”. That is what many people want. In order to continue living at home as long as possible, it is important that you can continue to do as much as possible independently in a safe home situation.

Home care therapy (home physiotherapy) can contribute to this. Our home care therapist Linske Vreugdenhil has followed additional training and works together with a team of other health care providers (including GP, home care / district nurse and occupational therapist). There is regular consultation and if necessary additional care is called in. This allows elderly, chronically ill and terminal patients to responsibly stay at home for as long as possible. Attention is also paid to the task of the informal caregiver (s), so as to prevent stress related complaints.

Among other things you can, call on the help of the home care therapist for:

  • rehabilitation after returning from a hospital, nursing home or care home;
  • ADL training (activities in daily life): functional exercise therapy such as transfers, climbing stairs, in- and outdoor;
  • rehabilitation after a fall or in case there is fear of falling (fall prevention, inventory of fall risks, advice and training);
  • problems with mobility, balance, standing and walking (training of muscle strength, balance, coordination, endurance);
  • advice (eg on walking aids, exercise, set-up or adjustments at home);
  • pain relief;
  • informal care support (advice, conversation)

If you need home care therapy for any of the above points, please contact Plexus Minerva. We can advise you about the possibilities. Even if you are temporarily prevented from coming to practice (for example due to illness or after an operation), the physiotherapist can come to your home.

For home care therapy a referral from a general practitioner or specialist is required. If you are additionally insured, the therapy will be reimbursed by your health insurer.

Movement pain or other complaints?

Make an appointment at one of our practices to get advice and/or treatment.

Practices in Amsterdam

Plexus - Saxen Weimarlaan
Willemspark - Oud Zuid
020 - 662 71 03
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Plexus - Museumkwartier
Museumkwartier - Oud Zuid
020 - 662 13 07
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Plexus - Centrum
Spuistraat 239/1
020 - 673 71 68
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Plexus - Fresh
De Pijp - Zuid
020 - 673 71 66
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Plexus - Lutmastraat
De Pijp
020 - 237 65 99
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Plexus - Jordaan
020 - 303 82 22
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Plexus - Minerva
020 - 66 26 192
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All our physiotherapists and manual therapists are listed in the KNGF central quality register.